In this promotional animation for the prestigious 2023 Curumim Award, the oldest in Brazil, we delve into the magic of the Marília Film Festival. The animation begins with the iconic mascot Curumim, transforming into a radiant spotlight, guiding its light towards the event’s highlights.
Curumim lies down, taking the form of a film camera, while backstage, its body, now a clapperboard, sets the rhythm for the director shouting ‘Lights, camera, action!’. The film unfolds, and the director orders a spirited ‘Cut!’
In a suspenseful moment on a black screen, the logo of the Marília Film Festival and the 2023 Curumim Award emerge, illuminated by two powerful spotlights personified by Curumim. The cinematic journey reaches its peak when Curumim transforms into a projector, casting a beam of white light to the right side of the screen.
The visual magic of this short film is the work of Brambilla, with Creation and Direction by Tatá Comunicação. The captivating soundtrack is by Thiago Pierucci, and the animation production is handled by ALUF Pictures. This collaboration of talents results in a work that not only celebrates the history of the Curumim Award but also highlights the unique brilliance of the Marília Film Festival, offering a captivating visual and auditory experience for audiences of all ages.
Technical Information:
• Key Visual: Brambilla
• Direction: Otábio Ribeiro
• Soundtrack: Thiago Pierucci
• Motion Graphics: Alef Rodrigues Rosa
• Client: Clube de Cinema de Marília